From a young age, Carly Metcalfe has always had a passion for real estate. This desire drove her to purchase investment properties with her partner. Joining the Clarke and Co. team is now a dream true, being at the centre of real estate, especially so with a company that has carved a niche for itself in the market. She hopes to be a go-to expert for clients, grow professionally, and expand her investment portfolio to build long-term wealth.
Carly is known to be reliable, approachable, and trustworthy, attributes she brings to her role. More
importantly, she understands real estate is not just about transactions; it’s about understanding clients’ needs, providing tailored solutions, and building meaningful relationships beyond the closing. With a commitment to exceeding expectations, Carly is poised to make a positive impact on her clients and the industry.
Guided by her principle, “Be Kind,” Carly appreciates that acts of kindness, both big and small, have the power to brighten someone’s day, alleviate suffering, or foster meaningful connections. She strives to cultivate a culture of compassion, empathy, and goodwill in her interactions with others to create a more harmonious and caring society.
Outside of her work, Carly can be found at the gym working out or with her dog at the beach when the weather permits.